Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alot of Posts Jammed into One

I havnt posted in a while so ill do it all in one.
The hollidays consisted of qld where i did minimal shooting as dylon was always shooting. check it out on http://dylon-p-photography.blogspot.com.
two shots from the plane.

When i got home a big south groundswell was expected, hoax like always, got these few shots of ray collins (www.raycollinsphoto.com) nude surfing a two of a guy i think was from ireland or something at mystics.

Later that day i shot wedge for abit and Bombies for a little while. come up with these shots.

After that there had been no swell, Done a baby shoot for sister and got these 2 ones I like.

Also while I was bored tonight I decided to do a little shoot of a Slash Figurine I have for something to blog about.

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About Me

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South Coast, New South Wales, Australia
My names Jye, I live on the south coast of New South Wales, I enjoy bodyboarding and photography.